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Stuffed pizza with sausage and chicory.

Peter Gillotte

I found this on my "Italian Original Recipes, Customs & Culture" group page and thought i would share it:

Full Recipe:

NGREDIENTS 1 smoked cheese, chicory 600 gr, ground sausage 600 gr, garlic, oil, hot pepper, 1 pizza sheet for the base, 1 puff pastry to close.

METHOD Saute the chicory in a plan with garlic, oil and hot peppers, then add the sausage and saute for a few minutes. Put the pizza dough in a pan as a base and pour the chicory and sausage, cut the smoked cheese into slice and put them on top. Cover everything with the puff pastry making holes on the top. All in the oven for 35/40 minutes at 190 degrees and enjoy your meal.



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